Chocolate Oat Balls
Looking for an easy, healthy chocolate fix? Look no further. These Chocolate Oat Balls are just what you are craving. Simple to make and featuring wholesome ingredients, they will satisfy the chocoholic in anyone.

Easy things about blogging? Testing and tasting chocolate oat balls recipes. Tough things about blogging? Sometimes it can be a challenge to write a three hundred word post about them.
A number of bloggers will reveal personal life details. Some educate through their blogs with nutritional information. Others simply post their photos and the recipe. So where do I fit in with my style?

Somewhere within all three of those categories, I would say. When the site was first launched it was updated five times a week and it was a constant stream of babbling, my ideas of healthy eating, and some questionable photography. 😉 Now I post once a week in order to take more time to craft each post I publish.
Lately I’ve been thinking about what it is I like about the blogs I read. Mostly it is the individual touch that comes from the blogger. It feels like you know the person writing the words and they are speaking directly to you. Because in reality, they are! I write knowing someone is reading my words and the bloggers I read communicate in that same way.

This is where I find my challenge. One thing I cannot stand is a phony. I’d far rather be around an a-hole who acknowledges that they are an a-hole than be around an a-hole who pretends to be a sweetheart. Do you know what I mean? And full disclosure, I never actually say a-hole, I use the whole word, but we’ll keep this blog PG. 😉
So what do I write about if really I’m drawing a blank? No one really wants to read a recap of how I went to Shoppers today to pick up a replacement charger cord, or how I’ve been procrastinating on doing some reading for work. Writing a phony, wordy post just to get one written just goes against my grain.

You know what though? Funnily enough, this post seems to have just written itself and I have succeeded in rambling away my SEO requirements without even mentioning these Chocolate Oat Balls!
What more is there to say? Chocolate. Balls. Done.
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Chocolate Oat Balls – Gluten Free + Vegan
- 1 cup quick oats
- 3/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
- 1/2 cup natural peanut butter
- 1/2 cup puffed brown rice
- 1/3 cup maple syrup or honey for non-vegans
- 1/4 cup cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl
- Roll into balls and place on a cookie sheet
- Pop the sheet into the freezer for 30 minutes
- Store, covered in the fridge for up to a week
We’re on the same brainwaves – I was working on developing a chocolate nut butter ball today too! These look amazing.
Writing posts is the most challenging part! Actually no, the photography is. Or no, the techy part is. Ugh blogging is hard lol.
I flip flop on what challenges me most. Sometimes the writing is the easy part & photography can be frustrating, then it’s vice versa. Don’t even get me started on the techy stuff! I’m trying to convince Joe to take a coding course so he can help me. 😉