Super Crispy Roast Chicken – It’s All Good

Hello! After a successful cleanse, (only one or two gaffs in the form of biscotti) I feel good and am ready to eat:) It’s all perfectly timed as I am, as we speak, headed out west, to the coast, for a much needed vacation! There will be dinners out, BBQ’s, cave tours, spa visits and many, many marathon chats with friends and family. I’m only out once a year, if I’m lucky, and I definitely make the most of it.
I have a trio of posts planned in my absence. I thought it would be fun to try out someone else’s recipes for a change and will be posting reviews on three recipes from Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook “It’s All Good”.

This is a quality cookbook investment with so many great recipes and ideas for eating healthy and enjoying every bite of it. I’ve made many of these dishes and thought I’d share my top three with you!
The first is this crispy roast chicken. Amazingly enough it was my first time to ever roast a whole chicken. We often have roasted chicken at Joe’s parent’s house for dinner and his Mom is the master of it. However, it seems very economical for me to cook the whole bird instead of just buying the breasts as we usually do. This way I cook once, we eat the breast meat, then store the rest for soup, avocado chicken salad, or just eat it cold out of the fridge. Don’t tell me you’ve never done that;)
Anyways, Gwyneth breaks it down in the book and it’s really quite simple.

I even followed her directions to make a little gravy from the drippings. Who am I??

The result was a tasty and tender chicken. I served it with my onion flavoured quinoa and drizzled the gravy over the top.

I must agree with Miss Gwyneth. It’s all Good!
Yum! Love that cookbook too! (Best birthday present ever! (: ) The cauliflower/chickpea recipe is amazing and so fast! I’ll have to try this one out too. We have a Red Barn Market down the road that sell whole chickens from local farmers. They are huge! Almost like a small turkey! I’ve never bought one but may for tonight’s dinner. xoxox
I have not tried the cauliflower! I’m glad you like the book<3